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03/18/15 5:51 PM

#12072 RE: #12066

I agree. This market is a f**king turd right now in terms of volatility. F**k trading against the trend (SPY). If Mr. Market wants to keep pushing this sh*t up and crushing volatility, I am going to take the ride with him and play on the his side until the powers that be want to let volatility come roaring back in.

This picture bests describe what I feel about TVIX and volatility right now. Cashed out for a loss and taking this is a lesson learned: The Trend is Your Friend. Trade against it and it becomes your enemy.


03/19/15 12:34 PM

#12085 RE: #12066

Maybe you should invest like Yellen, a summa cum laude Yale grad whose husband has a Noble prize in economics. You can find her portfolio online.

She's no doubt doubled her money in the market in the past few years, mostly using blue chips and index funds and no gimmicky leveraged ETFs.