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03/16/15 6:12 PM

#205907 RE: Illumin8edSurfer #205906

I found an interesting video on Youtube, Hempful Farms, one of the Zazzz locations has recently decided to start their own reality show, and this is the first episode. You can clearly see the Zazzz machine in the video, however it is just shown in a glimpse. With that being said, perhaps we could expect future episodes showing customers using the machine?
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03/17/15 12:01 AM

#205929 RE: Illumin8edSurfer #205906

I respect knowledgeable and experienced investors like yourself and nightfalls, and several others on this board...especially with my lack of experience in so many areas...

It is hard not to listen to you, and go along with you on your positions on MMs, but I will stick to my guns on what I have seen, what I have heard from other great traders/investors, and what the Level 2 has to say...

For example, why would I want to ignore, blow off, of make a mockery of the one constant variable in the investment arena that has absolute control over the success, or failure, of my money - the MMs (Market Manipulators).

The MMs are like the quarterback on a football team - nothing can happen until they touch the ball, and the ball is snapped to them. So, the MM QB calls the plays, or gets the plays from off the field (hedge fund, other MMs, shorts, etc), initiates the plays, chooses who is to handle the ball/money besides himself, is responsible for getting the ball to the eligible offensive players, etc.

Has anyone found it interesting how ALL this Zazzz bantering back and forth has produced very little proof of where the machines are placed...there are some cell phone pics, and a few others, but a lot of controversy...and there is NO information coming from the many businesses that are supposed to have them shipped and in house...

One would think that with all the professional video being made by AG showing up online, all of a sudden, there would be something professionally done to affirm that the management is telling the truth...unless there is a confidentiality reason why there cannot be any live videos taken of actual customers purchasing products.

I will float one more thought process/theory as to why there are large numbers showing up, for months, on the bid side, and, yet, SS has stated that debenture holders were "friendly" and not selling...

If the friendlies are not selling, then, who is??? WHAT IF some of the major shareholders of ERBB, and close confidantes of SS, might be liquidating their positions, in anticipation of a R/S? It is believed that a R/S has to occur, if the company is to get the share structure back in order...even though SS states that this will not happen "at this time", I believe were his words.

These champions of peace, calm, and reassurance that ERBB is legit, for they have been to the company, met with the leaders, and share the vision of AG... I have read ALL posts daily...have any noticed how certain mouthpieces have virtually disappeared from sight, absent a few cameo appearances here and there?

My far-fetched thoughts are that if there is a R/S coming, and these major, bookoo million share holders are dumping/selling their shares, quietly, and slowly, under the radar, knowing that debenture holders will get blamed for the selling of shares, as to not alert anyone that they are selling out of their a profit for most of them...knowing that a R/S is coming... JMHO, of course, FWIW