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03/16/15 1:30 PM

#17883 RE: moorea9 #17882

Why would you give a per pump measurement when three pumps are in series and all contribute to the flow in stages?

The volume through rock had been widely promoted to be 500k bpd or 20000 gallons a minute! Zero management fabricated a special first 4pack rig to accommodate Tcp. Are Taos claims per treatment chamber as well???.It's simply not logical and amazing how longs continually make excuses for management on these type of issues. The technical side and spec of this device should readily available to the investor community. Everyone should be able to understand what market segment and the optimum conditions the product becomes desirable to operators. Instead you get the Magic White Pipe which solves all flow conditions without heat without additives ...while reducing power to a mere 1/4 of its untreated operational consumption. Again just pure sales fluffery without substance!


03/16/15 1:51 PM

#17884 RE: moorea9 #17882

Moorea, all anyone has to do is read Earth1's description of the facts regarding the pump power during the TransCanada Keystone test to get the truth. Sano is wrong. Below are the facts. Any information contrary to this is simply hocus pocus and blowing smoke. I have highlighted in green areas of my focus.

earth1 Monday, 03/16/15 09:59:55 AM
Re: zerosum post# 17781
Post #17873 of 17883

Keystone test - 75% Power savings is the key
Pumps run at a certain power because of the friction head loss in the subsequent section of pipe.

The Before Case
With AOT off, the 2800 kW figure would be the pump power required to maintain flow given the pre-existing friction head loss in that section of pipe. That’s where this number will have come from. It’s the power demand with AOT off as determined by the friction head loss along the pipe.

The test would have been based on the pump power use that was typical operating power. The pumps would not have been “turned down before the test”. I believe the figures relate to the overall power use of the pump station. Logically you wouldn’t measure the changes to only some of the pumps at a pump station as they all contribute. However, I haven’t had the time to investigate the exact configuration of pumps and their power use on Keystone.

Note that the 2800 kW before case is before anything is done, there is no intervention or modification prior to this, it’s just typical operating power.

The After case
What we want to know is “What is the reduction in power demand to maintain the same flow, when AOT is turned on vs the Before Case?”

700 kW is the power required to maintain the same rate of flow with AOT on, which indicates a 75% reduction in Friction Head Loss. This is because pump power use is directly proportional to Friction Head Loss.

We expect that the scientific method would have been applied such that all other parameters would have remained the same, so that the effect is clearly due to AOT being turned on. That is -The pumps would not, of course, have been modified BEFORE the BEFORE case was measured. That would be completely illogical.

The number that matters from an investment point of view is a 75% reduction in power use. Any way you look at that it is truly exceptional result.

It’s such a big reduction that part of the reduction most likely came from the suppression of turbulence. Also we have been advised on various occasions that flow in the large mid-stream pipelines is typically turbulent so that makes sense. Professor Tao has highlighted suppression of turbulence being central. So overall, the indications are pretty clear that turbulence suppression is a contributing factor.

From an investment the key point that overrides everything is a 75% reduction in power use FROM THE BASE CASE. How it was achieved is interesting but secondary. It’s the 75% that makes the technology extremely valuable.

Turbulence Suppression on Daqing
Regarding turbulence suppression, the most information we have is regarding the Daqing line, so this is the case where we can look into the mechanism more properly (rather than guessing regarding Keystone with limited data). From the paper there is specific data that demonstrates turbulence suppression.

Daqing test showing AOT suppression of turbulence

Please look closely at these items in the chart
Black horizontal line marks equivalent flow rate – 35m3/hour for the two cases.
Blue line - With AOT off above that the blue curve exhibits a dog leg indicating the offset of turbulence.
Red line - With AOT on, above that point and up to considerably higher flows , the flow continues increasing in linear fashion indicates continuation of laminar flow.

The non-linear of dog leg shape in the non-AOT curve clearly indicates the onset of turbulence, which the absence of a dog leg in the AOT curve indicates laminar flow.

Regarding other people proposing there were alternations to the operation of the pumps prior to the test, I don’t think it is a useful expenditure of time looking into imaginary scenarios that are inconsistent with the published figures and which are without evidence.