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03/15/15 4:08 PM

#34253 RE: al44 #34252

Offering a different perspective, however, was one reader who suggested critics “better stop watching any movie that has an actor in it that has a different opinion than yours on religion, politics, guns, food, gay marriage, abortion etc…”

I have an idea. Why not stop paying to watch all movies that come out of Hollywierd? If nobody went to movie theaters, those overpaid louts who think that because they can act in a movie that their opinion should be worth more than others would have no soapbox, and acting would not be a "profession."


03/15/15 4:39 PM

#34255 RE: al44 #34252

Offering a different perspective, however, was one reader who suggested critics “better stop watching any movie that has an actor in it that has a different opinion than yours on religion, politics, guns, food, gay marriage, abortion etc…”

Makes perfect sense to me.