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03/14/15 5:07 PM

#170172 RE: Odis #170167

The entire Colorado industry, both medical and recreational produced a little over 200K pounds of weed last year.

That's every grower in the State combined.

Nobody is scared of 1.2 million pounds because anyone who knows anything about growing know Bill is talking out of his ass and has been since day 1. He's a business threat to no one but himself.

It would be impossible to produce that much cannabis and there is no demand anywhere for that much cannabis. He could sell to the whole state of CO and have a million pounds left over. Do you understand how insanely stupid that sounds?

Bill is a con man. FITX is his merry band of marks.

Period. end of story

People always talk about DD around here. Maybe after this story is all over they'll try actually doing some next time.

Bill thanks you for his newly minted millions...
And will post your angry call to the world too....

what a p.o.s. scumbag.


03/14/15 6:52 PM

#170195 RE: Odis #170167

How much fear is out there of Cen Biotech becoming licensed to produce 600,000 kg.



03/15/15 12:04 PM

#170262 RE: Odis #170167

Lets do some DD with the first sentence in your response.Then we can understand anything else you have to say.

"Applicants clear all issues through the application process and BEFORE being awarded a ready to build letter"

So, you say all issues are cleared up before being awarded a ready to build letter. They were awarded a ready to build letter over a year ago, yet none of these issues are or ever were cleared up. So your first sentence out of your keyboard is not the truth.

Anybody buying shares at this point deserves to loose it. Its all the people that were taken before the lies that were proven so obvious, that i feel bad for.