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03/13/15 4:14 PM

#63553 RE: dockzef #63550

If you're talking about Marcus, this is what I was told in November...

"What can I say?

Marcus was willing and able to help at the start with a low cost per day and extra hours and contacts for nothing so to see a mill in Winnemucca as it made sense...

FLPC always delayed paying him and I was going after him to get him back on each time.

He owes us some work and we owe him money and since that we don't have money, the case is in limbo..."
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Be wary

03/16/15 5:29 AM

#63564 RE: dockzef #63550

The lawyers never will do any peeling back though will they, that would require the already screwed investors finding even more money to fund the lawsuits.

The scamming directors know this and just carry on starting one rip off company after another with impunity.

The only way they will ever get their come uppance is if the authorities actually investigate them. They don't seem to have shown much interest so far so my guess is that these blatant fraudsters will get away with it yet again!!
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03/16/15 12:55 PM

#63570 RE: dockzef #63550

Those who have tried to open the door to shareholders so that they might gleam the problems were all scoffed at, hung out to dry and slammed with demands for proof that has been evident for many, many months in the face of all! Sadly there is only so much that can be disclosed before you end-up helping those who you endeavor to see held accountable. That said...NO ONE will ever see their money that was invested in DON Nicholson s scam.

The only re-course is to see him convicted and forced to pay considerably and shut down from perpetuating his scams-con games in the future. But we all know this takes time and crooks such he will always find other avenues to prosper and affiliate their crooked endeavors.

Jimmy is no better than Don and the both of them remain good friends and pushing, yet another, scam that soon will be made public if the measures in play at this writing do not prohibit such...As for Robert Reynolds...he is endeavoring to play the card that he is a victim as the shareholders have been. This I do not believe will in the end suffice to shield him. Smiling Bob knew exactly what was going on but greed and visions of wealth ruled at the end of each day...There's a real basis for the absence of trading in FLPC and are you still willing to believe it because the great Don and Bob are working on a special plan that will amaze and dazzle all? If so hold on to your seats boys and girls because you all in for a real eye opener...

As for my profiting ... Please do not throw your misguided darts at me...When it became clear that this was a scam I got out as did others such as Sweetums, RLMorrison, and many, many longs and former supporters...irregardless of profits or losses. What we did not do was to continue promoting FLPC and it's thieving BOD-CEO-Management team.

It is well documented how the boys of FLPC when they figured out a few of us really knew what was going on embarked on a campaign to reel us back in with promises of a different sort, albeit monetary...ALL of this is well documented and is incorporated in the legal matters that are unfolding. In time ALL that I have said will be fully disclosed, publicly available and then you each can decide whose messages embodied the truth and whose were intentionally misleading...Anyone who got out of FLPC because of anything I or certain others said over the past months should, given today's exhilarating trading, NOT have negative comments to rant about against me or anyone else...But look who does have the issues...the latte predictions and those who flew around predictions that only required YOUR FAITH???...oh and buying more worthless stock while the price was so low...What is a .0003 stock going for these days that can't be unloaded?

Good Luck to all (sincerely)! However it would be re-missive not to say that to a select few here...well you deserve MUCH, MUCH MORE than you think for your continued pedaling of this crap called FLPC. These individuals continued hocking FLPC replete with future predictions as factual when they knew such were nothing more than delusions coupled with a desire for 15 minutes of Warhol to know who those folks are (if you don't already)? Just watch which guilty dogs bark...and, oh yeah, pay attention to who endeavors to get this message pulled...