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03/13/15 8:40 AM

#82111 RE: rumper #82108

In regards to this, I offer the following:

"This so overshadows petty talk about funding, etc.".

If funding is petty to the growth of a company like Ocata, then perhaps I should not bother to use my sprinkling system on my lawn or water my garden this summer-after all it is only petty water we are talking about. lol
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03/13/15 1:25 PM

#82160 RE: rumper #82108

You said:

"I can't think of any drug, or anything really, where
once it's administered or performed, and 30 days later
you're cured !

Not healing, not recovering, but CURED !

This is an absolute wonder ! "

1) Where did you get "30 days"?

2) Is everyone treated "CURED", particularly in your time frame?

3)Have you heard of GILD and/or ABBV and their respective products, such as Solvadi and Harvoni,which are used to treat HCV? Are you aware of the cure % resulting from use of those products in 8-12 weeks?

4) I appreciate your position, but I suggest it is somewhat hyperbolic and exaggerated. Without further clinical trials, how are we to know the truth of what you say?

5) BTW, OCAT shares represent the 2nd highest cash-out-of-pocket investment I have ever made