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Replies to #6593 on RON PAUL 2012


03/20/15 4:24 AM

#6595 RE: Penny Roger$ #6593

Top US Commander Under Arrest For Refusing To Fire Nukes At Russia -
Thursday, March 19, 2015 13:10

The Big 666 nwo Plan To Kill 90% of Americans by 2016! Experts Warn This Is A Real Threat and Could Wipe Out the USA In Only One Year! (Video) -
Thursday, March 19, 2015 5:16

one way or the other the 666 nwo agenda is to murder 90% in no time -

and 666 knowa that mr smith and brown care more for Tv-sport and fishing today -
than to live and survive tomorrow - ? -
God Bless


03/24/15 6:27 PM

#6596 RE: Penny Roger$ #6593

Rand Sounds Off On Indefinite Detention- Next POTUS Must Support the Entire Bill of Rights

Kentucky Senator and possible presidential candidate Rand Paul met potential voters at Fulchino Vineyard in Hollis, New Hampshire on Saturday, March 21st. Republican New Hampshire State Senator Kevin Avard, a Paul supporter, emceed the event that attracted over 100 “First in the Nation” primary voters.

The potential GOP field seeking the party’s nomination is expected to be wide. With Chris Christie, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham making recent visits to the state, Paul presented his case with what he says sets his campaign apart from others: a strict adherence to the entire Bill of Rights. Paul stated that, as a group, elected GOP lawmakers support the 2nd amendment but that wasn’t enough.

“But you want to defend the whole Bill of Rights. You can’t defend the 2nd amendment if you don’t support the 1st amendment. You can’t defend the 2nd amendment if you don’t defend the 4th amendment,” Paul said.

Regarding the 4th amendment, Paul turned to the National Defense Authorization Act’s “Indefinite Detention” clause found in section 1021 which reads:

c) …. The disposition of a person under the law of war… may include the following:
(1) Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force…

Paul said: “We now have a law on our books called ‘Indefinite Detention.’ An American citizen can be detained without a trial… You want to know what the President said? He said ‘I’m signing this, I’m troubled by this, but I’m signing this but look at me, I’m a good man and will never use this.’ We won’t get into the discussion of whether that is true or not but the thing is laws are not about one individual, but who comes after them.”

When asked for comment, PANDA (People Against National Defense Authorization Act) Jason Casella had this to say about Paul’s remarks: “Though it’s excellent to see the Indefinite detention provisions and laws of war now contained in the NDAA are finally a topic of discussion for presidential hopefuls, the rest of the country has been taking action for years. It remains to be seen if the discussion moves to action in the 2016 races, but time and again it has been proven that if the people of America want their rights protected, it will be the people themselves to do it.”

Some of Senator Paul’s potential primary opponents have also weighed in on the NDAA:

Ted Cruz (S-TX), also a vocal opponent of the provision, stated this in his reasoning for voting against the 2014 NDAA:

“I voted against the National Defense Authorization Act. I am deeply concerned that Congress still has not prohibited President Obama’s ability to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens arrested on American soil without trial or due process.”

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on U.S. citizens suspected of having ties with Al Qaeda under NDAA section 1021 guidelines: “And when they say, ‘I want my lawyer,’ you tell them: ‘Shut up. You don’t get a lawyer.” (Source)

NH State Senator Kevin Avard had this to say about Senator Paul’s presentation:

“We need to be the party that defends not only the 2nd amendment but the 1st and 4th and 5th, meaning all the Bill of Rights and reach out to all groups in our society. National defense is the highest priority but so also is our national debt which is as much a part of our security.”

The most recent poll (NBC News/Marist) taken in New Hampshire has Senator Paul in 3rd place at 14% behind current Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker at 15% and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush at 18%.

While the Senator has libertarian leaning roots, some in the Libertarian Party are split on Paul’s GOP candidacy. According to The Daily Beast, Nevada LP Chair Brett H. Pojunis stated that “‘Libertarian’ is now just a buzzword for Republicans like the Kentucky Senator. If Senator Paul was a libertarian: Well, OK then—join the Libertarian Party!”

With many undecided voters lingering in the Granite State, Paul’s presentation made this impression on NH resident Keith DeSantis:

“Senator Rand Paul emphasized not only the importance of the Bill of Rights, but why the Bill of Rights are important. His platform is focused on defending the entire Bill of Rights, instead of a single right or issue. It’s the message I think that appeals to a lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum.”


04/11/15 8:41 PM

#6598 RE: Penny Roger$ #6593

DOD Blocks Millions of Computers From Viewing Alternative News

This comes as no Shock to Me!!!

After the initial surge of web traffic to alternative news websites following The Guardian breaking the NSA spying story, traffic has slowed considerably despite the continued interest in the NSA story as well as other alternative headlines.

This dramatic drop in traffic may be due to broad censorship by the Department of Defense on “millions of computers”.

What began as a rumor that the military brass was ordering soldiers not to view news about the whistleblower revelations that the NSA is spying on all Americans has swelled into a confirmed military-wide censorship campaign using a high-tech computer filtering system.

The US News and World Report is reporting that the DoD is blocking access to all articles related to the NSA scandal from all DoD computers. The filter reportedly effects millions of computers and potentially thousands of alternative news and civil liberties websites.

According to U.S. News:

The Department of Defense is blocking online access to news reports about classified National Security Agency documents made public by Edward Snowden. The blackout affects all of the department’s computers and is part of a department-wide directive.

“Any website that runs information that the Department of Defense still considers classified” is affected, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Damien Pickart told U.S. News in a phone interview.

According to Pickart, news websites that re-report information first published by The Guardian or other primary sources are also affected.

“If that particular website runs an article that our filters determine has classified information… the particular content on that website will remain inaccessible,” he said.
Pickart said the blackout affects “millions” of computers on “all Department of Defense networks and systems.”

This is perhaps one of the most shocking displays of blatant censorship in the history of the United States. The idea that classified information should still be treated as “off limits” to regular military personnel after its broad release to the public makes no sense.

Unless, of course, they don’t want soldiers learning the truth about what their government is doing for fear that they may recognize who the true enemies of the Constitution are.

Or this may simply be a beta test of the government’s technical capability to filter Internet traffic away from certain news stories and the websites that carry them.

In either case, this should be a HUGE story in itself. Draconian Internet censorship has finally arrived in a big way.


04/16/15 2:20 AM

#6599 RE: Penny Roger$ #6593

The Video The Feds Don't Want You To See - Agenda 21 @ the Bundy Ranch -

Published on Apr 13, 2015
Although no gunshots were fired, what happened at the Bundy Ranch -
was a shot fired across the bow using the most powerful weapon
in the infowar, the camera.
It captured the iconic moment of the people taking on an aggressive
government tyranny, a snapshot that still reverberates one year later.
We look at the lies, the spin and the reality of a federal government
openly defying The Posse Comitatus Act as it threatened and brutalized
citizens of the community.
Although the sheriff did nothing to protect the community,
neighbor stood with neighbor in true posse comitatus,
the “power of the community”,
to expel the federal army from the community.

Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching
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