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05/22/01 10:32 PM

#2895 RE: Was (Bob) #2893

Matt didn't keep his word?

That is no good! A deal's a deal. I do remember Bob posting here that he was given an interest in ihub in order to get him to work here. How can we now believe Matt when he tells us that he is no longer going ahead with all of his Market Fusion business plan? Part of that plan called for stock promotion websites touting public companies and their ceo's. How can anyone trust Matt's word?


05/22/01 10:41 PM

#2897 RE: Was (Bob) #2893

>>Well, I had a gentlemen's agreement with Matt not to publicly discuss this until receipt of "the paperwork",

I honored the agreement as well.

>>and didn't really mind giving them the head start, but I finally got emailed "the paperwork" tonight. I'll leave my disgust at the contents out of this since there're plenty more important things to me.

Head start? C'mon Bob. We have in no way discredited you.
If anything I have supported you in your views.
We just had a simple disagreeance in philosphy and parted ways because of it. I have no desire to tarnish your squeaky clean image.

>>I was going to list the many reasons for my departure here, but I'm noting with some amusement that the majority of the reason is making itself known on its own, so I'll reserve that post for later.

I will wait for that list before making premature comments.

>>PS. Full disclosure: I am in no way a part of Investors Hub anymore and apparently, so I'm now told, the ownership interest I thought I had never really existed and doesn't now. So no affiliation whatsoever.

Bob, as you know, the document in question (Shareholders Agreement) wasn't even signed by me until a few days ago and sent back to the lawyers. I don't even hold any shares of MF yet. Nobody does.

P.S. I have no desire to drag out onto the boards, what is clearly a 'corporate' issue that should be handled internally. But I will refute anything that isn't true. However, I have no doubt in my mind that Bob will post nothing but the truth and is not here to destroy, but to show he is no longer affilated with something he disagrees with. So no issue here.


Gulley J

05/22/01 10:45 PM

#2901 RE: Was (Bob) #2893

Wow!! That's amazing. What I read there is that promises were made to you that they had no intention of keeping? Wow!! Hard to imagine that there are people out there in cyberspace with no HONOR!! LOL!

Wonder how long it's going to take them to delete your post Bob - and probably this one too.

You don't think they want to be known as dishonorable people do you?


05/22/01 10:57 PM

#2908 RE: Was (Bob) #2893

One thing I do want to make clear...

I have no hatred or dislike towards Bob.

I have a certain philosphy that I want this site to succeed or fail based on. Bob was hired hired to execute the idea.

Bob appeared to have accepted and liked that philosphy, thus he took the job. Then the issue of 'personal boards' came up. I had one opinion. He had another. He chose to leave over it.

I am sure he'll start up another message board site based on HIS philosphy. Which is perfectly fine. That's probably best for him, juding by the way things have happened over the course of his tenure at SI and here.

Bob leaving, at least from what I think, was solely based on a difference in philosphy that we couldn't come to an agreement on. So, as gentlemen, he walked his way, I walked mine.