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03/09/15 7:39 PM

#24452 RE: INVESTOR987654321 #24451

Trust the investors here with the experience. We know how this slot machine is to be played. It doesnt matter if it goes to .0003 or .50, double the money and play the dips! Dont be greedy and trade with emotion...u WILL BE SWEPT under.

Sell it at .0002, if u can, and wait a month for the next rs. After the RS (WE KNOW ITS COMING LIKE A PROM QUEEN!!! Lol), wait a month and jump back in!!! The quarterlies are delayed, the company is broke and throwing a fluff PR at us any day now!!! They are getting ready to "cat swipe" ANY COIN LEFT ON THE TABLE.

U have been told how to "play the hand". Now sit down at the perverbial table and dont trade with emotion. We know the dealer, his name is Russ...he is lethal!