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03/09/15 1:02 PM

#89499 RE: Eskaminagaga #89496

Well this is way above my pay grade so I am only assuming here...

Well, i do know that they stated previously that property customization of the proteins is one of the things that they are trying to achieve. That and the fact that they will not have to wait around for homozygosity over several generations means that they can achieve a quicker result.

I think Spiber needs to wait the generations as well but because they are using ecoli those generations pass in a very short time.
I imagine they also go through a selective "breeding" to produce the ecoli that is expressing the traits they want the most.

If they have a way to put any protein gene they want into an ecoli and have that protein expressed in goo they are on to something. The silk protein powder mixed with protein X powder then spun into a fiber could find a lot of uses but I think just the protein factory itself would be a better business.

This tells me they can not just produce any protein they want at will. They might be able to do it in the future with a different bacteria but they are restricted to smaller genes right now.

I can only fall back to something I have said before.

There is no way to be cheaper than a silkworm when you need a silkworm to begin with

I do think that the people working with protein goo are really fascinating but unless your end product is the protein the spinning process for silk is too costly to compete with a silkworm.

As you say we will have to wait and see. In a few years the hindsight will make things obvious.