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03/08/15 9:43 PM

#20958 RE: JUrology #20957

A little shout out to Ximedica and SPORT in this article 6 days ago. Interesting that of all the devices Ximedica is working on and has delivered on over the years that the author would mention SPORT.

The only reason I am still invested in Titan is Ximedica, they are the real deal and will get this done. This Q1 milestone will create what Aidan Petrie describes as a "VALUE JUMP" in the development of a product and an increase in PPS. I hope the mgmt announces it in March and doesn't wait until the next MD&A report in May. One more thought to chew on, of all the changes that were dropped on us in November, the one thing that didn't change was Q1 Milestone.


03/08/15 10:13 PM

#20959 RE: JUrology #20957

I haven't heard about the shareholders meeting but I heard there was a new robot released last week that can beat the pants of off the Sport, Da Vinci, and Surgibot. The name of the robot is CHAPPiE.


03/09/15 12:10 AM

#20965 RE: JUrology #20957

I asked Randall about the shareholder meeting and he said they don't have a date scheduled just yet. Last year they announced the meeting to the shareholders exactly one month before the meeting, which was on 5/21 IIRC.