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03/06/15 10:52 AM

#44759 RE: Crow3 #44756


Another important question is what kind of site is this that is host Mr. Brumfield's real estate info???

I find this very interesting:

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03/06/15 11:12 AM

#44761 RE: Crow3 #44756

CDEX bumfield loan OUT


You could look at the past seven months and come to the conclusion that bumfield is headed for the door vis-a-vis the SCAM cdex. First you have cdex and bumfield front 10K or so to Dodi Handy, who go's through business names like T-paper. Elite, WS 1-2-1, Hangover/Elite, and now Wall Street Writer, cash in then move on.

Cdex and bumfield went a begging for , hold on to your hat....5 million dollars (exhibit 99) to begin construction of something they admit , isn't ready, needs updates, has no market, etc. the PROP G4. The Loan-A-Thon was set up just for suckers like bumfield, flanked by props to make him appear intelligent during the met and greet sessions. The whole thing was a blow out. Cdex just days after the sucker-a-thon announces it's selfie loan.

What if bumfield is really just cdexing cdex? The "certain obligations" wording of the loan should have been a big clue. Let's say bumfield is loaning himself some money from Pemco to recover his inflated salary that no one in their right mind would have paid a loser like bumfield in the first place for running a such a small time nothing there company. My bet is that bumfield is trying to reestablish his old gig in Ramona with the money from the selfie loan. Thus the wailing and gnashing of teeth over the CalPacific comments about him being a CROOK and ID THIEF. We have seen this act before when comments about his family members have been posted. He goes berserk. The lashing out at Ryles by some unknown, wink, wink is childish and matches the same modi operandorum.