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03/05/15 6:13 PM

#232313 RE: rooster #232312

"within a century" .. so it's much too early to cast judgement, as your article foolishly and irresponsibly did ..


03/06/15 8:34 AM

#232345 RE: rooster #232312

Let me address this as if you had half an ounce of sense... as opposed to just being a screeching monkey throwing feces.

Clearly the destruction of centuries old jet stream patterns has led to some extreme cold getting funneled into the northeast. My own reading suggests that the melt off of Greenland, which continues apace is going to have some profound effects on the Gulf Stream which warms us and Central Europe (them to a much greater extent... Look at the climates of Boston and Rome, both at the same latitude). The part you're missing though is that while we endured a very chilly winter, the South and West were far warmer than normal... and as far as I can see the drought, which has pushed the price of a lot of food through the roof, continues.

You need to be a complete asshat to suggest the climate isn't changing. It's cold today where i live, but I looked at a globe the other day and I realized something. New England ain't a very large part of the world.


03/19/15 4:33 PM

#232803 RE: rooster #232312

The Only Place It Was Cold This Winter Was The East Coast Of The United States

If you live on the East Coast of the United States, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has just released some statistics that may surprise you:

Globally, this has been the hottest winter on record, topping the previous record (2007) by 0.05°F.

This was “the 19th warmest winter for the contiguous US.”

Globally it’s easily been the hottest start to any year (January-February), beating the previous records (2002, 2007) by 0.07°F.

This was the second warmest February globally, and “slightly below” the 20th-century average in the contiguous U.S.
Note: For NOAA, winter is the “meteorological winter” (December 2014 to February 2015).

As the NOAA map above shows, other than the “cooler than average” northeast, this winter has been “warmer than average” and “much warmer than average” and “record warmest” over every other land area in the world.
In particular, many Western states saw their hottest winter on record — which is not a surprise if you live in drought-stricken California or its neighbors:

Where this winter ranks (by state) in the 120-year NOAA record. A “120” means it was the hottest winter on record for that state.

Now entering its fourth year, the drought in California is so bad that NASA senior water scientist Jay Famiglietti warned that “the state has only about one year of water supply left in its reservoirs, and our strategic backup supply, groundwater, is rapidly disappearing.” Global warming-driven record heat has made this the worst California drought in 1200 years, as scientists explained in December.

The Earth keeps setting the record for the hottest 12 months in the surface temperature record, as we reported Saturday. NOAA’s global data show we’ve started this year at a record pace — and early indications are that March will be warm globally — so we are on track for what is likely to be the hottest calendar year on record.