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03/05/15 4:04 PM

#56302 RE: ATCrunch #56286

Maybe the posters who are wondering about the differences between Hemp and MJ should read the article. The Hemp and Marijuana plants are the same structure with the main difference that mj has high THC content, while hemp has higher amount of CBDs which are not the THC type.

Also....from Wikipedia:
Hemp (from Old English hænep) is a commonly used term for high-growing varieties of the Cannabis plant and its products, which include fiber, oil, and seed. Hemp is refined into products such as hemp seed foods, hemp oil, wax, resin, rope, cloth, pulp, paper, and fuel.

Other variants of the herb Cannabis sativa are widely used as a drug, commonly known as marijuana. These variants are typically low-growing and have higher content of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Hemp is Cannabis Sativa while MJ is Cannabis Sativa or Cannabis Indica.


03/06/15 8:17 AM

#56349 RE: ATCrunch #56286

"Different structure?"

You either know nothing about cannabis or are intentionally trying to mislead. Either way, you shouldn't be speaking to the subject because the truth is that the only real difference is THC content. IT'S THE SAME PLANT. IT'S THE SAME CBD, and that's the only part we care about on this board in terms of MCIG's product. some strains of MJ are selectively bred to have more CBD or THC just as some strains of hemp are bred to have more CBD.

The only difference in making the CBD oil product is that it will take more plant material using hemp than it would if you used a MJ strain that was bred to contain high amounts of CBD. hemp is now also bread to have high amounts of CBD.