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03/05/15 2:04 PM

#222629 RE: gwfogre #222621

I see you mention Indiana - I have some bad news - there isn't any commercial hemp cultivation in Indiana.

Here you go:

On March 26, 2014, Governor Mike Pence signed the "Industrial Hemp" bill into law, IC 15-15-13, authorizing the Office of Indiana State Chemist & Seed Commissioner to pursue the necessary permits and authorizations for and production and regulation of industrial hemp in Indiana.

Until permission is granted from federal authorities, neither individuals nor companies are permitted to grow industrial hemp or possess its seeds in Indiana. When federal permission is granted, guidelines and applications will be made available for the implementation of the Indiana program.

What you don't seem to understand is the Farm Bill of 2014 was for hemp cultivation for research only.

You wrote:

Thirteen states—California, Colorado, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and West Virginia—now allow industrial hemp farming for research and/or commercial purposes.

What states currently have laws making industrial hemp legal?
California, Colorado, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia.

Guess which state Justus Aquaponics LLC is located in?'s in Bold.

LOL!!! You should have looked up the Seed Commissioner in Indiana and you would have known there isn't any commercial hemp cultivation.

And from your link:

On February 7, 2014, President Obama signed the Farm Bill of 2013 into law. Section 7606 of the act, Legitimacy of Industrial Hemp Research, defines industrial hemp as distinct and authorizes institutions of higher education or State departments of agriculture in states where hemp is legal to grow hemp for research or agricultural pilot programs.

Nothing there to hemp commercial hemp growers.



03/05/15 2:50 PM

#222646 RE: gwfogre #222621

Can processed hemp seed, fiber and hurd produced under section 7606 be marketed and sold under Section 7606?

Section 7606 authorizes "agricultural pilot programs" which "study the growth, cultivation, or marketing of industrial hemp." Thus, sales and marketing of hemp raw materials is allowed under the research and pilot programs authorized in Section 7606.

For those wanting factual information about what is legal regarding hemp in the U.S. read the following link, this proof facts again

Mr Power

03/05/15 7:01 PM

#222724 RE: gwfogre #222621

Gwfogre, thank you for proving that information with the link, I think this will help many understand how hemp in the US and importing it works regarding federal limitations and what can and can not be done. GRCU has everything for success imo.