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03/04/15 11:12 PM

#75041 RE: bar1080 #75040

Found this stuff while googling ..mymedicalrecords, armstrong, lorsch, its already out there. Not from me.
Not sure what to make of it,

taylor Armstrong was right, Robert Lorsch is a thief

Posted on October 20, 2014 by awkleinmd

9615 Brighton Way

Beverly Hills,Ca 90210

Taylor Armstrong of the Beverly Housewifes is Mother Teresa compared to Conman Bob Lorsch.

Bob Lorsch’s settlement of a lawsuit against Taylor Armstrong of the Beverly Hills Housewifes is about turn upside down It seems Lorsch has a strange past and a very dishonest future. He got in trouble with the SEC inflating the value of stock at Smartalk but his latest scheme makes Taylor Armstrong look like Mother Teresa. Lorsch with Muhammad Khilji and Jason Pfeiffer opened 10 accounts in the name of Dr.Arnold Kein, Michael Jackson’s Dermatologist, at Private Bank of Beverly Hills with insider assistance and had the records sent to Lorsch. Lorsch and company stole Klein’s retirement, funds of $5 million, made 3 fraudulent mortgages on Klein’s homes, took about 10 million in savings, research funds and laundered it at all at Private Bank of California. He also stole 2 of Klein’s cars. While the good Doctor was going to Superior court the trio got him into bankruptcy court when he was essentially mentally incompetent. Now it appears Lorsch founded his company on funds he laundered from Klein and the Bankruptcy court is going have to return Klein’s assets they took valued at $ 80 million. It seems attorney John Reitman ran the laundry.

Those links tell more.