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03/04/15 7:18 PM

#22560 RE: baomike #22559

The claims of producing gold proved to be false, right?

And anything to do with Gunner Gold is bound to be fraudulent.

If you need ideas for a good P&D to follow, there are plenty to go around. Geographically, CJTF is a good one for you (northern Nevada), although the "story" is so ridiculous that it is barely worth doing DD on.

Or are you interested in a SEC-filer, like BONZ was? If so, NBRI in the Mother Lode country of California was interesting, until they closed for the winter "just 60 feet from a bonanza", and then did a RS and wiped everybody out. Now it is just a matter of seeing how many new, uninformed investors they can pull in to pull the same crap with.

There are numerous P&D's in Arizona that I follow. SRCH is a good one - long running, SEC filer, and has pulled in an estimated $30-40 million without producing a single ounce of gold. Someone could write a screenplay based on the characters involved there.