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03/03/15 4:58 PM

#222024 RE: THE FLASH #222023

I have heard about the great days ahead for 8 months.

Gonna be exciting days ahead !! It's only going up from here folks !! March and April run comiiingggg!!

Ole Rico was going to be the savior - just wait until Rico launches - everyone is going to be millionaires.....

It is amazing that anyone believes GRCU is a real company - with the clowns operating this mess.

Cruz the real estate agent is the CFO and GRCU has another part-time CEO that is a full-time bone cracker in Indiana and has a gold mine. LMAO!!!

And what a disaster of a launch for ole Rico - The launch was talked about since May 2014 - there was the big Countdown that had shareholders so giddy they couldn't sleep...

But hear are the facts - the GRCU PPS is down 35% since the big launch.

The investment community has looked and listened and decided GRCU is just another weed ticker scam.