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03/03/15 12:50 PM

#203265 RE: iSmellCrickets #203260

That's borderline insane. WTF has that kind of money to speculate? Good luck to those people, I will be happy making money on the 6000 shares I've got now.


03/03/15 1:09 PM

#203271 RE: iSmellCrickets #203260

Not surprised by their owning 100M shares...but, will really be surprised when the PPS hits their sell price, as I wonder how many of the high rollers will consider the little guy when they start throwing millions of shares in at the bid?

Will they sell the shares gradually...or will they be selfish and dump them quickly...making "bag holders" out of 56,990 investors?

The bulls have to step up NOW, and in a big way, as they have a lot of shares to fight through. NOW is the time for those that are holding the hundred million shares to step up a few more million protect their investment vs selling now to take some profit...out of panic or fears of the PPS not holding, the profit taking will further tank the PPS... JMHO, of course, FWIW