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03/02/15 7:59 PM

#2311 RE: Jeff12406 #2310

I spoke with him last Wednesday, this happened to be the 2nd time we talked over the phone. Mind you, there's only so much one can pick up on regarding a persons character over the phone, especially without ever having met that person but there were a few things that jumped out to me.

For starters, most of his conversation seems rehearsed, sort of like something he spits out to everyone he talks to. He tries to dominate the conversation, and I noticed many similarities or stories he repeated from when we first spoke. He goes on a lot of tangents. I got the impression he doesn't like being interrupted from his 'script' and will attempt to talk over you.

Now the interesting part. For a guy who's in investor relations you'd think he'd be in the know when it comes to his company and could answer simple business related questions. When you finally could interrupt him, he would seem to dance around to avoid the question. For example, he'd attempt to get off topic by rehashing another old story, in some cases having nothing to do with the question you asked in the first place. In other cases he kind of seemed oblivious.

Now, keep in mind, this could be just the type of person he is. Sort of introverted, avoids confrontation etc. It might also make sense too, as mantra can't afford to hire a more seasoned person. He also might not do this full time.

Nonetheless, he made an impression and it wasn't a very good one.