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Blushing green

03/01/15 6:36 PM

#290585 RE: Dollars1 #290584

He is the same as the rest of the media. They come pump it up, then dump it down.


03/01/15 7:54 PM

#290593 RE: Dollars1 #290584

So I guess Berkowitz and Ackman have been totally wasting their money.....I mean....why have they been paying big bucks for these top notch attorneys when Jim Cramer already knows the answer? Apparently he knows the LAW better than all of these lawyers....and even Judge Sweeney.....


03/01/15 8:19 PM

#290594 RE: Dollars1 #290584

untill they CAN have expectations at which point for cramer it becomes a buy buy buy and the upside is gone gone gone and the downside is big big big. he will then also proclaim, investors could have read between the lines lines lines.