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02/28/15 10:39 AM

#13579 RE: Adrock #13578

first of all, today is the end of the month ... i'll assume end of next month

second, the price of gold will have a dramatic effect on the eventual buyout price

finally, who is doing the buying - and who is doing the selling

your post dramatically displays that most of the buying is probably "smart"
.... retail is getting tired of no news .... many posters have said they have sold, or in your case, going to sell ... CERTAINLY NOT BUYINNG

some claim that the selling was associated with previous private placements and convertibles --- not to insiders, but to professionals who buy at a discount and sell at market and take the guaranteed profits

so i'll repeat, who is buying? i've been buying. itsawinner said he was buying. but even some of the loyal followers are now getting tired of the delays. non-loyal followers have stated they were selling. these are retail buyers and sellers, and probably doesn't account for a majority of the buying and selling. so if selling is coming from previous private placements and convertibles, THEN I'LL REPEAT, WHO IS DOING ALL THE BUYING?

there are lots of hints .... not just a new director of mexican operations.... no news in a long time - and yet there is still a lot of buying .... new management moves getting ready for the drill, prove, and sell phases ???