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03/01/15 8:44 AM

#21487 RE: Crisco #21486

Nobody is rehashing the past because it was never discussed that key member of Sing's team left. And NONE of them were involved in sales. So them sub contracting their sales out has nothing to do with this. You still have their names on your page like they still work here. They haven't in months. And I have been on their investor relations page. Many of those guys on that page also have other endeavours. Prassad is a president for Swift Pace Solutions. Gowri is a joint venture capitalist. So how devouted are these people when they have other obligations or leaving. It seems like their profiles go into great lengths to talk about each employees past but keeps it short and simple when describing what they even do for the company. Once again how committed can shareholders be when the heart of the company either leaves or takes side gigs. Things must not be so promising as some expect.
