yes i do very low FL and OS, the share holders are never in the dark great management team that keeps up informed just check all the news and updates, nice seeing you here do check from time to time as to which board you are at Thank you
The Applicant’s side(Allard) have an uphill battle at demonstrating that Licensed Producers would not provide the right strains, at the right qualities (The Quality Argument). It is a fact that the Applicants failed to make that demonstration during their injunction hearing per the judgement rendered by The Honorable Mr Justice Manson:
[90] I am also not convinced that the Applicants have met their burden with regard to whether LPs” [Licensed Producers] “will offer the particular strains necessary to meet their medical needs. While I am sympathetic to the trial and error approach to growing various strains that have apparently served the health interests of medical marihuana users, their affidavits do not provide sufficient evidence that the strains offered by the approved LPs thus far will be inappropriate for their medical needs. I agree with the Respondent that their claims amount to a speculative argument, albeit perhaps a well-founded one”.
It is easier to regulate, control and monitor larger producers who can put into place necessary quality control measures and security measures, rather than smaller producers who cannot afford easily to put appropriate measures into place. Pesticides, bacteria and mold can affect almost any plant crop, but the lack of regulations surrounding marijuana puts users at an especially high risk. While cannabis from illegal growers is almost never tested, even in places where cannabis is legal, regulations for safety testing may be absent or not up to federal standards. This can result in toxin levels that are not only too high, but some marijuana growers may even use pesticides that are banned or unsafe for human consumption.