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02/27/15 11:33 PM

#68786 RE: asus #68785

C'mon asus, though we disagree, you know I respect you. If you go get a car loan, it is for a set amount, with a set return to the lender, over some period of time. You may have lost your job, dog ate your homework, woman left you and drained the accounts. Really doesn't matter. You don't hold up your part of the deal, the car will be repo'd and the lender, via your credit reports will let the world know how you handled your business. Lender may give you some room if you communicate early and truthfully regarding your issues.

No different here. Challenges needed to be communicated early and truthfully. Not even hiding behind the "its a penny stock" montra. Corporate governance has been a major issue with ReelTime. And to coin phrase of the President that you and Reeltimer have FatHeads on the walls of every room in your homes, :-) "Trust, but verify." This has never been about rushing anyone. Heck, I thought I was getting into streaming at its infancy. But when you can't account for the money and dance around issues, never being forthright, then you will be scrutinized.

I busted ReelTimer's chops, but in actuality he was right when he said "soon". I could say "years from now if ever." Those answers are as good as any when we have no clear idea of the business we are in. (I can't tell the difference between Whizzo butter and a dead crab!) :-)

Now, if we are monetizing anyone's 15 minutes of fame, then Cannabrands is as legit as Money Talks. I just want to see us actually make some.


02/28/15 10:08 AM

#68787 RE: asus #68785

They evicted the CEO because he stole more than half a million dollars outright instead of paying the bills for which he had been provided the funds. You well know that what I am saying is the truth. I sent you copies of bank statements, et cetera years ago. Former CEO Barry Henthorn is a crook a liar and a cheat as is former CEO Gershuny and current CEO Hodge seems to be no better, as he reissued the shares for the software for which a patent was denied and covered up malfeasance with the IRS.

The only positive thing that can be said is that their backs are against the wall with government entities and they probably will have to play it straight to avoid ultimately falling by the way side to governmental intrusions for non-payment of taxes.

BH's house on the waterfront has increasing equity and when the equity gets to a certain point, the IRS will come and confiscate it for back taxes. This will happen even if the place is in his wife's name, as she in in the accounting field and drew huge paychecks from RLTR years ago when the liabilities were created, and cannot declare unaware spouse statues. That's why he is trying to straighten out BCCI and is trying to get Hodge to straighten RLTR before the hammer comes down.