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02/27/15 9:06 AM

#176354 RE: Sage7243 #176353

Have you tried:

Settings> Notifications> Messages> Notification center off?

I know I had an iPhone issue when I did this off having iHub being able to update at all when doing this...

Porgie Tirebiter

02/27/15 11:33 AM

#176356 RE: Sage7243 #176353

I messed around in my settings and got it to go away, but I'll be darned if I remember how I did it. Mine's an android device FWIW.

IH Admin [Edward] (Retired)

02/27/15 12:15 PM

#176357 RE: Sage7243 #176353

I'm not a techie and wouldn't own a cell phone but, if I did, I'd rip the sound card out of it. That oughta make it stop. Might wreck the phone, too, but meh.


03/01/15 4:42 PM

#176379 RE: Sage7243 #176353

I repair stuff all the time. Go in and clip the little tiny wires to the button speaker marked 'speaker'.
However be advised, this turns your phone into an expensive 'camera and texting pager' only.