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02/26/15 2:26 PM

#18140 RE: demmo47 #18134

Might of been this

As we see increased interest from the federal government, specifically DoD and DHS, in biodetection technologies, we are preparing additional M-BAND systems for deployment to monitor air samples for potential biothreats," said William J. Caragol, PositiveID's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "We believe that procurements for these important technologies will ramp up in 2015, in order to protect our homeland security, both domestically and for our allies and troops abroad."


02/26/15 2:28 PM

#18141 RE: demmo47 #18134

Gosh I'm getting old, I'll look later as I have a stock running today and I watch how they trade to determine if I need to jump or add, I'll dig later tonite - hope that works for you