#Gotta Give Love to Get Love and @BudGenius loves its customers; always great to see love reciprocated in a BIG WAY from @AuntieEmsCo #holistichealingcollective, both HUGE @BudGenius customers! :-) $BUDG
$RIGH - Angel Stanz - "Data is EVERYTHING to us and it is held in the highest integrity... Remember, we are NOTa laboratory company, we area technology company. The laboratory is a single component of a much greaterpicture...
Barriers are represented by unique qualities and items that take time to build and mature... Quite often this isbrand, data, software and hardware."
$RIGH - Angel Stanz, "The next time you are in CA, come visit again. You'll love the new exec offices. We movedacross the runway this time (even better view). I'll give you the tour."