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02/26/15 10:23 AM

#32707 RE: middle man #32705

I think it looks like you may get your chance today...


02/26/15 10:23 AM

#32708 RE: middle man #32705

I don't think it's going much lower than this.


02/26/15 11:04 AM

#32709 RE: middle man #32705

There's no big hurry--the stock has been shaking off good news lately. Wait until some bad news or no news for a while, and try to catch it when the 14-day RSI is right around 30. Anybody who's been holding it all month has seen about half his money go away. That's no fun, and there's no telling when it will stop, either. If you're going to buy, don't pay any more than you need to.

Watch that RSI. That's a way to decide that takes most of the emotion out of it.


02/27/15 12:12 AM

#32722 RE: middle man #32705

I would say buy now. Will be back to .02 in a hurry most likely.