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Burn Notice88

02/25/15 12:11 PM

#80483 RE: lemon #80481

If subcontracted, that means they would get paid when work and hours were completed, so if they only work, for instance, 20 hours per month at $15/hour (as an example), it doesn't add up to much regarding the BudGenius payroll; however, if what Sal said is true that BudGenius and/or Genius Biotech has a hiring campaign underway, it could mean adding additional subcontractors (and/or others) to the payroll. I would venture a strong guess, Angel is being advised via his network of professional contacts on the legalities of FTE's vs. subcontractors, if this is the case. With positive-MJ legislation looming, it could be a two-pronged approach.

Steve White

02/25/15 1:37 PM

#80492 RE: lemon #80481

They pay them in weed and Preferred;-)