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02/25/15 10:49 AM

#73112 RE: turokman #73111

It looks awfully attractive at these levels. I might be kicking myself in a couple months, but I cannot justify buying more shares until I see some confirmation that it's the right move. Still holding ~4,000 shares and playing the waiting game.

I am not going to continue to add until they prove that they aren't going to spend themselves out of business. The hardcore line and MusclePharm Energy Sport have to be pretty large expenditures.

Here's one thing I always wonder. How long ago did they confirm (internally of course) that the hardcore line and Energy Sport were going to be brought to market? 1 month ago? 3 months ago? From his tweets, pyatt is already drinking the Energy Sport, so that means it must have been in production for quite some time, no?

Which leads me to my final question...if they started production months ago, what were/are the costs?