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02/24/15 8:00 PM

#232003 RE: bulldzr #231998

Great story!

Wow. It boggles the mind to think how just a few weeks ago on Jan. 28, The Hill cheerily gurgled about how Jeb Bush’s reclusive wife unit isn’t a liability to his campaign, she’s his secret weapon! Why? Because how can we accuse the GOP of hating immigrants when Jeb so obviously loves his Mexican wife… Oh wait, that’s not what folks in the Bush camp told reporters. Instead, they said things like what former Jeb adviser Brett Doster said:

“Just because she’s reticent to engage publicly doesn’t mean she’s not ready for it. She’s strong as iron. If [Jeb] decides to run, she’ll be a great partner on the trail. I think that anybody who would presume she’s not ready for some of these tough tasks is severely underestimating her.”

Um, yeah, but voters will definitely notice Columba Bush’s scary shopping addiction. It doesn’t matter if it’s legal and she can afford it. The fact that the Bush family’s party refuses to help the millions of Americans who go hungry and homeless and can’t find decent-paying jobs while one-percenters like Columba waste obscene amounts of money on trifles won’t go over well.

Columba Bush’s spending spree.
Here are scans of the financial documents from Mayor’s Jewelers via the Washington Post.