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roger wilco

02/24/15 1:39 PM

#29663 RE: TheSerb #29662

The Ace in the THCZ deck is Mr. Distributors and RHINO Marketing.

LOL, Long and strong on THCZ


02/24/15 1:45 PM

#29665 RE: TheSerb #29662

Perhaps Jerry's learned from his previous frauds, or maybe Tom has helped him learn the basic rule of Scam: You can shear a sheep many times, but only skin it once.

Jerry's previous frauds were all complete failures, with no real products. A bunch of photoshopped pictures just don't cut it (especially when the promo guys couldn't tell turkey from chicken! LLOLLOLLOL) They were real short term, low rent scams - he was skinning the sheep.

Now, he's finally thinking like a true conman - it's much smarter to spend the 5-10 thousand dollars to create the illusion of actual products and let the con run longer. The relatively trivial cost to have a contract bottler fill a few is nothing compared with the hundreds of thousands these dirtbags will gain selling that preferred stock! Now he's shearing them!


02/24/15 2:55 PM

#29691 RE: TheSerb #29662

Because this guy has run multiple OTC stocks into the ground for the past 20 years. Plus, there's that thing about how THERE IS NO THC IN THE DRINKS! This is a marketing scam. The company puts a marijuana leaf on a can and the word 'hemp' and you people think it's a good idea? It's a marketing scam!