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02/24/15 11:38 AM

#56410 RE: packerfanbud #56408

The PPS has not taken off yet because nothing really exciting has happened yet. Most of the gains have happened before prs and quarterlies. It falls off afterwards because expectations have been unrealistic. The company is getting set up to be able to make that big deal, the deal they were hoping was going to happen this last year. It just turned out they weren't quite big enough to get the good deals done, and they were wise enough to say no to the bad deal/deals they were working on. They are in the getting ready and being patient mode, which is what the prs and quarterlies have shown. Consistent growth and deals that aren't sexy, but are getting them in position to be ready for that big deal. The signs are all there that something big is on the horizon.

1. They are spending most of the money they are pulling in without going into debt. You've gotta spend money to make money and grow.
2. The Kalypso deal. This is setting them up for more exposure. Once something big hits this will allow them to maximize their growth.
3. Credlogix. The question every lender needs to know in order to set their fees and rates. "What is the likelihood this customer will pay me back?" If this software is better than what lenders currently have in place, there will be a deal soon.
4. Adding a lawyer to the team. Interesting move, unless there is a deal on the horizon.