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02/24/15 8:37 PM

#11800 RE: Spocks Stocks #11796

"I find it interesting."???

Well, didn't you find it interesting that "(46.9%) had a co-morbid psychiatric condition"? I found that hilariously interesting!! Probably the best way to guarantee successful calmare study is recruit at the closest lunatic asylum! Shoot! They probably would have had a HUNDRED per cent success if they had just had a HUNDRED per cent NUT CASES!

Ohgawd! I think my hernia just got worse!


02/24/15 8:46 PM

#11801 RE: Spocks Stocks #11796

"...the success rate is better for Scrambler."???

Well, I guess if you define success as the ability to elicit a PLACEBO effect, then, indeed, no doubt the calmare is outstanding -- especially in patients with a "co-morbid psychiatric condition"!!!

Oh! Ouch! Gimme a second! Man, I never realized how much a hernia could hurt when ya'laugh!

Even the authors recognized it:

"We could not detect any association between treatment compliance/ frequency and benefit, which some might interpret as suggesting that the placebo effect played a significant role in our study."

"Some might"???? How about, ANYONE with an IQ greater than a GRAPENUT who knew ANYTHING about neurophysiology would DEFINITELY "interpret" it as NOTHING BUT a PLACEBO effect!


03/03/15 5:07 PM

#11820 RE: Spocks Stocks #11796

TV News Report on Calmare/Scrambler