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05/14/06 9:59 PM

#253272 RE: HansenC #253268

gotta say, hansen, I've agreed with everything you've said UNTIL now. Pink sheets or not, issuing false PR's IS illegal. Saying you're reducing the share count in a PR, while, at the same time, INCREASING that share count without shareholder approval is illegal. Issuing a PR saying your company is FULLY FUNDED UNTIL 2008...well...that speaks for itself.

yes..shit happens. businesses fail and run out of money (I'm in this biz as well). THIS case is certainly different.
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05/14/06 11:46 PM

#253280 RE: HansenC #253268

Hi yall ,

I am going to wade in here since there seems to be some holes in the "stories being told' tonite .
And I am going to claim the fifth on ignorance NOT incrimination .

Going back (I strongly suspect BEFORE nutty hansenc's entrance) to the "run-up" coinciding with the first New-Orleans/NTI show , Frank dumped (approx) 2 billion shares @ (approx) .01 - .028 . That play should have netted him somewhere around (verrry loosely) $15+mil .
THATttttt should have set the stage for a bugetable (WITH financing) 'going forward' biz plan .

So , to try to imply he was running this show on the up and up is a stretch . Just the fact of Frank & co saying for over a year that he was/is reducing/lowering the share structure while continuously SELLING into it IMO lands his ass in Levenworth OR the neQueerst fine facility .

We have hansenc (who remains anonymous) trying his hardest to convince us of Who The Fk Knows What , explaing the stock market to US . Thank You sir , ,, now STFU and get a job .
Tell your New cohorts your stories and how if YOU would have had a say .

As for Mr Hagan , please asnswer my questions (#252956 & #252958) before you continue in hansenc's wake . You are just short of needing a wakeboard and a rope .

Tying Fan to Dave (with criminal checks no less) is another whopper stretch . Unless PROVEN otherwise , I have to think Mr Fan was in a whole different in neck of the woods at that time period .
[Criminal ck . Infkingdeed . At that time Dave was tring to keep his divorcing wife out of his ass EOM]

I'm not going to disect these tales much further than to say ,,, like any good hogwash , alittle truth smoothered in BS is the ingrediants for crap stew .

If any of the long investors want to chime in you're welcome . It's not like I'm the only one on this trip .

However this turns out , I wish all the nice folks that got bit don't become too bitter at being lied to and abused by so many .

Nite .

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05/15/06 9:44 AM

#253323 RE: HansenC #253268

Hansen, the reason it's hard to take your word is because of the lie you posted about the 'contract' Frank claimed to have with Fan. You posted incessantly about it, claimed to have a copy, claimed Frank was taking back the company, claimed to have sent a copy to another poster.... and none of it was true.

Olsen lied to us so badly that we stopped buying his stock and his creditors stopped accepting his notes. This is why he ran out of cash and had to shut down. You do not help Olsen's case by lying about 'the contract'.