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Burn Notice88

02/23/15 9:50 AM

#80347 RE: FullDeck #80327

Oh hum! $RIGH - RightSmile Economics 301.
Take a look at the company's most-recent Q3/2014 paid-in capital and the positive $1.1M on the balance sheet Q3/2014:

Also note Cash and Equivalents outweigh Net Losses on the Year.

Business more than doubled in Q3 and there was a 33%+ increase QoQ in strain testing in Q4 (over and above Q3).

#BudGenius Business Significantly Increasing QoQ...

65 strain analysis reports in Q4/2014 (to date).

49 strain analysis reports in Q3/2014.

More than half FY-to-date revs, earned in Q3:

And the lab isn't the only place RIGH derives its income from.



02/23/15 10:21 AM

#80355 RE: FullDeck #80327

Aaron claimed the same Accumulated Deficit for the end of the 2nd quarter, 2014. $3,643,576

And the losses continue to pile up- an accumulated deficit of $3,643,576 as of December 31 2013. The 2014 totals will only be higher, increasing the likelihood it can not continue as a "going concern":

Rose to $3,786,740 for the end of the 3rd quarter but the "net loss" was only for $32K for that quarter yet the AC rose by $44K.

Aaron's "numbers" just don't make sense. With continued losses in the 1st and 2nd quarters, yet the accumulated deficit remains the same for 2 "loss" quarters? I bet his OS numbers are off too.