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02/22/15 6:05 PM

#8498 RE: Xander3 #8492

Ok you win!! Your the most sophisticated poster on iHUB. You win $1 for your amazing accomplishment. I'm sure all of the iHUB posters look up to you and we are looking forward to more of your time waisting posts. I have been trading for a few years now. I have just recently added an account on iHUB for fun. Not for info or trading advice. I would in no way ever take anyone's advice or information on here seriously. So that is why I don't waist my time with long drawn out information posts like you. The ones that are clearly way more sophisticated than mine. I also don't ever bash a stock that I own. That is the most idiotic thing you could possibly do. And if you dont know why I can explain it to you.