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02/22/15 10:35 AM

#80297 RE: Burn Notice88 #80291

Real or not... RIGH is a FAILED BUSINESS...

I mean, really... when you have to strain mightily to even try to PROVE the existence of a cannabis testing lab, is this a successful company?

It's a given that "BudGenius" is a failed business. As I've said before, there probably was a period when the website (of questionable origin, BTW) could have been parlayed into a real business.

But for whatever reason, that wasn't done and today BG has no chance of competing against the Big Boys in the Cannabis testing space, e.g. SCLabs, Steep Hill, CannLabs, and tens of others bigger than BudGenius.

And you don't have to strain to prove THEIR existence.

The slim thread that RIGH shareholders had to hold on to was that maybe, just MAYBE, the next iteration of the wash, rinse, and repeat cycle would bring in a reputable person with a reputable company that might restore some value to their shares.

But Angel and Moffitt, through their use of Tuzzolino, a shady character at best, and potential SEC target at worst, have shown they have no intentions of bringing more value to shareholders other than themselves.

Remember- the value of any deal for RIGH's listing accrues mainly to Angel and "Tuzzolino" (or his "handlers").

Together, they control over 60 BILLION shares.

Any deal for a takeover of the company will go 90%+ to them, leaving the other common holders with little to nothing.

Using a shady character like Tuzzolino as Chairman of the Board of a yet-to-be-created, yet-to-be-listed company with a yet-to-be-launched website is a fantasy just designed to keep shareholder interest long enough to milk the last drop out of their pockets before the next cycle begins.

Maybe a reverse-split, maybe a dividend of "restricted shares" that are so low in value it isn't worth getting the attorney opinion letter to cash them in- whatever.

But it won't be good. IMHO, of course.

Best to all.