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05/14/06 12:22 AM

#3686 RE: steelcitydog #3685

I do use my own wisdom on myself. That's why I'm pretty much successful. I'm trying to help you!

And, I most certainly do understand what fear is. Let me explain it to you, since you're a bit confused. There are varying degress of fear. First, there's the kind of fear that you felt when you knew the bully was going to beat you up after school. Next, you have the kind of fear when you get a call while on your beat and hear shots fired at the scene. Finally, there is the fear that you are going to lose part of your retirement on a pink sheet stock that falls in value below the .70's!

I do hope you begin to follow my wise advice and keep your negative predictions to yourself! If you want a positive outcome to your investment and you believe in the technology, why not remain positive and have a positive outlook across the board? Don't allow your petty pride to cause you to reject wisdom! You remind me of "stock jock", posting negative comments hoping a poster will convincingly refute your contention thereby putting your mind at ease. There are more effective ways to contend with your insecurities.

By the way, that was very immature, that stunt you pulled to bait "Kag" back on this board. How old were you again? Didn't I remember you saying you're a retired cop?

Here are some more words of wisdom, "One who publically displays their immaturity, embarrasses themself, the family that they come from, and erodes their own credibility.