Feel the warmth the little fella is generating. No need to release the BOZO/OBO numbers after all. Jeffy merely has to generate electrostatic fluff in the air, with smiles and giggles. How cute.
It seems to have set the precedent in mangling Nevada meeting notification law. Not to mention mangling the proxy record date, outside the prescribed 60 day window. Starting with an announced SH meeting, and resulting in a social gathering shur is precedent-setting! Maybe his power point Pump&Pony show at the social gathering will have pictures of real ponies in it! Another precedent-setting milestone?
So everyone is all giddy with glee that reid confirmed a meeting that he confirmed a month ago...its come to that...he plans a meeting...then when he says the meeting is still on...its euphoria in kaymaginary land...that is so awesome....e