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02/20/15 1:02 PM

#345241 RE: cowtown jay #345240

"should be going after the people who sold the unregistered shares"


And who would that be? The Europeans who the SEC cannot touch (and who are bona fide purchasers for value unless PROVEN otherwise, and there is no evidence to prove otherwise), or the Canadian brokerage and broker who was merely delinquent in not knowing enough about their European client(s)?

Neither is touchable by the SEC either or both for reasons of jurisdiction and for lack of evidence.

The judge rightly disregarded the nonsense letter sent to her, as other have also. And will continue to do so without EVIDENCE and specific allegations that can be proven by said EVIDENCE.

Oh, and the DOJ has zero authority over the SEC. It is not within the Dept of Justice and does not report to the Attorney General. It's an independent agency - FYI.