Yes around 1.2 or maybe little less per well. I think they are looking to sell another 5 or 10% for balance of drilling funds or even done already as we speak. This property has a lot more potential than the regular investor realizes. They have probably been approached by a lot of companies around them and I am sure if they sell more its going to be beneficial for the company or its not going to happen! Good luck this stock is basement bargain cheap! This property is the real deal.
HENC will sit at 28%, that is a certainty since it's stipulated in the farmout. Since TGC stated that 3 million is enough for 2 wells then the cost per well is 1.5 million (cost is probably still declining with oil demand lower). How much ownership Perseville and TGC will have depends on that definitive agreement or other partner/financing announcments (which I would prefer since any new Perseville deal will cost more in % ownership).