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02/19/15 11:32 AM

#165322 RE: hweb2 #165321


I listened to the CC and got a bit different opinion on it. I come to the conclusion that this is a highly seasonal business although they entering other segments that will provide some seasonal smoothing in the future, I have come to the conclusion that from like late October to the beginning of February is not their best time.

Now around 4 million right now is right where the breakeven line is. And from my take I would expect q1 to be in line to slightly better then q4. so plugging any thing more then breakeven to slightly profitable will probably be a mistake in my opinion. Now I do expect to see growth in q2 and q3, but after listening to the CC I came to the conclusion this company will make it's year in q2 and q3. Maybe they can earn .05 max between q1 and q4 in 15. But I would expect q2 and q3 to be really solid having said that all that q2 doesn't get reported to august. And in the 2.30's I rather not take the risk. if this thing would of gotten killed to say about the $1.50-1.75 level I would of been a buyer, because I won't be surprised to see a solid year, just note that there a seasonal business and q2 and q3 is where they make their money in my opinion. All is just my opinion, and I could always be wrong though.