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02/17/15 1:40 AM

#24096 RE: brando5 #24092

Interesting question. I don't fear any reverse split, I expect them, and "play around them". I used to be upset when they occurred untill I realized that ALL Pennyland companies are dillution machines. Dillution is what makes this market volatile. It's what doesn't happen regularly with the "Big Caps". I embrace the concept of dillution since there are so many dynamic reactions to them, from our end as well as from the end of the company owners. Look, we get mad at them for robbing us right? What are WE all here for? To get rich and make money just like them! Show me any stockholder that doesn't sell-out on a 30 cent run and I will admit that some people "go long" for the sake of having an investment portfolio. The owners know we are ALL selling out just like we know they are all going to dillute. This is the reason why so few stocks actually uplist. EVERYONE has their hands in the "perverbial cookie jar" right?

I have a very realistic point of view. We all want each other's money before the other can get to it first. PR'S are meant to prop up the PPS so the owners can take our monies. It's our job to gamble when to sell-out before everyone else and take what's "left on the cable". 90% of all of the PR'S released by virtually every company in Pennyland is "fluff"...a few "fluffy PR'S" and the owners are scheming to dillute quicker than we can pull out our monies. The difference is they make SOOO MUCH MORE monies than we make, and we the shareholders are SOOO MUCH MORE greedier than they are! We're poor, trying to become millionares, believing everything they throw our way.

From what I've seen, "monster-runs" are easy to read if 90% of all PR'S do not in anyway point to or proof a financial boost. Ya' know the phrase, "show me da' money"??? So true. Ever buy into a stock based on financials and quarterlies bout to come out??? Ever read a bullshit PR PREDICTING record financials only find that rubbish is released??? Easy dillution, a "free-bee" for all of the company owners guaranteed every year. Ya' know how many companies ACTUALLY showed record financials last year after touting their "expected profits" through fluffy PR'S beforehand? I know of like 1 out of 30 that I was following last year! This is because none of them are reinvesting back into their business and actually growing them. I'm O.K. with that! I know to never "play those PR'S" at the end of the year and fall subject to the infamous "financials to be released" and go crazy increasing my share count. I would rather NOT buy INTO the stock and metaphorically "dance around" the inevitable dillution process. I waited for this stock to hit's base and bought it at .0001.

For me, REAL FINANCIALS with REAL PROFITS showing ALOT OF MONEY is what I wait for. "REAL ESTATE" PR'S are the real diamonds out there! This is where the company owners hold out the absolute longest, knowing how greedy we are as desperate poor stockholders. They're hard to find. All in all, in my opinion, none of these companies are making money and at this point, the marijuana sector is dead, so there isn't any quality hype for US to make money. The sector is obliterated. Nobody growing marijuana is publicly trading or "dominating" to say the least. I mean look, without and drug dealers, there is no market.

Alaska and Oregon's recent legalization didn't reinvent last year's phenomenon when Colorado was the first. Those states did nothing for us. Think of the biggest PR'S last year. Ya' know that nearly every company was creating the largest growery in North America at one time??? Magically, EVERY SINGLE COMPANY failed to get licenses or couldnt "complete the buid-out" of a new factory...all duds! Ya'realize how many companies touted PR'S claiming mergers that never happened? The "real estate acquisitions" were popping up everywhere... Those were in my opinion the product of the marijuana explosion that never took-off... Why?

The SEC became the REAL "Wolf of Wallstreet" and the federal government did a super job and very swiftly squashing prohibition. No, this wont be like legalizing alcohol. This is going to be brutally hard!

Wait for the Federal government to officially declassify marijuana at the executive level, and go mortgage your house. Throw every dollar in every company that u can. It will be EVEN BIGGER than last year.