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02/16/15 12:19 PM

#297660 RE: PieEconomics #297658

Shades of PBLS. I should have remembered the whooping I took on that stock and sold this pos when I still had a chance. Now this stock is doing the same and I am way to far under to even consider selling. More wall paper it looks like. This stock is not for holders. It is for traders and the ones who made out the best were the shorters!


02/16/15 1:35 PM

#297666 RE: PieEconomics #297658

" (I'm a little less nervous with a company like McEwen Mining which is also way down. The president owns 25% of the company and takes no salary or stock options, so I don't have to guess whether his honest intent will match with what he ends up doing.) "

Ntephe is Offor's puppet. Offor owns 40% of this company and takes no salary or options either. Given that Netephe and Offor are essentially one and the same (IMO!!) then you should be extremely comfortable with honest intent meeting actual actions with ERHE.