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02/16/15 4:23 PM

#3117 RE: jonQ #3116

Are you so angry that it affects your reading? The bet was for lunch.

Maybe you feel good about having your share value diluted by over 50% in the last 12 months. But I can assure you, I do not.

So because I don't rant and rave, threatening to act against my own best interest, you've concluded that I don't mind seeing the pps go down? That's clever.

I made an investment in this company many many years ago and have weathered the storm and taken my hit in terms of shareprice loss. Nobody's come to my rescue and said gee, why don't we help you out because of this bad investment. No one has reset the price of the shares that I bought over the years. why do you feel good about that? I suggested to management that if they wanted to go ahead and do the special favors and special deals for these so-called investors, why didn't they throw investors like us a bone and give us the opportunity to buy or obtain some warrants.

I will even go as far as to tell you that I had told management that I would be willing to take on another $500,000 in stock as well as Bring in additional investors that could've probably picked up another 1/2 million dollars. I would have much preferred to protect my 3 1/2 million share investment with $.15 share is rather then sell $.10 shares to a bunch of investors that will probably just dump them as soon as they have the opportunity.

The last PIPE didn't reward the investors as much as it did the existing shareholders. Instead of one share/one warrant, it was one share/1/2 warrant plus it saved commission costs.

When did you offer to take part in a PIPE? Why don't you now offer to buy a 0% convertible notes now with the same terms?

Were the insiders holding shares when the pps was in the high 30 cent range? No, they weren't. Why didn't it bother you then? You're just mad because the pps is down, that's normal, but serves no purpose.

I've been critical of those who wanted to vote no just for spite, and I still am, but I'm not going lose any sleep over it.