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02/14/15 12:08 AM

#286159 RE: detearing #286154

Mr. Ackman is not very smart man. At times I think he is outright stupid. The reason I say that is he is doing everything in his power to bash and destroy Herbalife. Why I know not the reason for this behavior. He has made himself the poster child for Fannie and Freddy and in so doing he is contaminating us with his relentless pursuit to wipe out Herbalife. This is bad for us for several reasons.

1. He is creating an uphill battle with other billionaire big investors in Wallstreet who are pro/support of Herbalife. Carl Icohn is one of them.
2. Those billionaire investors who are on the fence about FnF stay clear of our stock because of Mr. Ackmans deep involvement. That means when we are due for the rocket run up to $30, we wont have the big boys to fly us on their wings.
3. What we had today were the little guys buying up the stock, and average daytraders. The big guys stayed away today. I am talking about the multi-million dollar trades like what mutual funds can do.
4, Gov. will not do business with a man that has a bad reputation in his business circles.

Mr. Ackman is not playing it smart alienating himself from the crowd that can rocket FnF with his foolish relentless pursuit to destroy Herbalife. I feel as a Fannie and Freddie shareholder I am being dragged into the mud with Mr. Ackman's battle for a mission I dont even understand. There are many companies out there especially on OTC, that would be considered SCAMs. Why does'nt Mr. Ackman go after them with the same vigor and vengeance he is showing with Herbalife?
That is exactly the reason why I will not support this man even though he is on my side with Fannie and Freddie stock/Cos. I kind hope he went away with his crazy attitude and played with a different stock.
Mr. Berkowitz is a man to be respected and appreciated he has done everything in his power to befriend the enemy and bring a positive image to Fannie and Freddie shareholders.
This is not what I can say about Mr. Ackman, He kind of remind me of an overgrown child who if he can't get his way will have a temper temptron.

I am not impressed today with all his pumping for Fannie and Freddie stocks.