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02/13/15 8:20 PM

#91227 RE: gemstone57 #91226

We are? I haven't seen any pr's saying such things


02/13/15 8:29 PM

#91228 RE: gemstone57 #91226

We are on the cusp of production on 2 projects.NBRI could be mining within 90 days.

That's total nonsense.

But lets just say it isnt.

PL is going to need a lot of money prior to ever producing a thing.

Right now there are at least 3 VCs sitting on 10% of the OS each A 30% increase to the OS on day 1. The PPS will NOT be .02
THe VWAP is .018 it will open under that. You can count on VCs selling at .01 and above.

They will sell as fast as they can so they can reload.
Each sale will lower the PPS and the VWAP. In 2 days the conversions will be at the sub penny level. Even at .01 which WILL be the PPS that he sells shares at he will need 200M just to relieve dept and another 200M just to work for those 90 days.

The OS will be increased here 50x before the 90 days is up. you think the PPS will stay at .01 when the OS is 50x larger?

NO WAY. The PPS will be in the sub pennys and PL will have over 1B shares before that 90 days is up and they wont get where they are going. Something will get in the way and move the target once again.

As for the other dream...

Just show me the HIA report.

That is all.
Without it and its review the property will sit there with nothing ever happening on it. It would take them 90 days just to get equipment lined up and get the basics laid out.

The company will have nothing to show before the next winter shut down except a bloated OS and a whole new set of bag holders


02/14/15 4:20 AM

#91233 RE: gemstone57 #91226

could be mining within 90 days.

This has been said over and over for over 900 days